Dear Friends,
There are many ways to share your time and talent at St. John Neumann – or to volunteer with agencies or programs around Central Ohio. Anyone age 18 or older who volunteers and has contact with children must attend a Protecting God’s Children program and submit a clear background check and volunteer application. The Diocese of Columbus’ full set of polices and resources regarding Protecting God’s Children can be found below.
If you are looking for a list of outreach programs with additional volunteer opportunities, please visit our Outreach and Service Ministries page, or contact Jackie Sutton, Stewardship Director.
Click the links below to view volunteer opportunities and sign-ups for the following programs.
Within the Parish:
Adoration Sign-Up (We Adore Him)
Hospitality Team Volunteer Form
2025 Fish Fry:
Outside the Parish:
Central Ohio Stand Down (Veterans)
Common Ground Free Store, Delaware
OpenDoor Women's Recovery Alliance
Red Cross Volunteer Opportunities
Shane Center for Therapeutic Horsemanship
Only by ministering together in the name of the Lord and for the good of His people can we continue to be an effective extension of God’s love and mission. We are very proud to function as a family at St. John Neumann Parish. We encourage all of our parishioners to work, pray and play together in order to bring about the Kingdom of God here in the Sunbury, Ohio area.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Dan Dury