Special Announcement Sunday 5pm Mass Suspended More info here

Mission of the 72

A ministry designed to help those who are inactive to return

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?

And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.

Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says,

"Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep."

Luke 15:5-7

Do you dream of sharing eternity in heaven with your family?

How can that happen if they aren’t attending Mass?

Consider This: How can I love God if my son, daughter, brother, or sister doesn’t share that love? Shouldn’t I be a keeper of my family’s faith? How can I truly worship God when my loved ones aren’t by my side at Mass?

Would you like to reach out and invite your family members back to God’s Church, but aren’t sure how? Are you hesitant to take that step, worried you might alienate them, or have you tried before without success?

This Advent and Christmas season, take the opportunity to reconnect with family members who may be away from the Church. Imagine the priceless gift of guiding them back to faith and the path to salvation.

Feel out the form below if you’re interested in becoming a disciple.

Did You Know?

In the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate’s (CARA’s) polling, about 24% of Catholics in the United States attended Mass every week or more often prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the most recent poll from late summer 2022, 17% of adult Catholics reported attending Mass this frequently, with 5% watching Mass online or on television instead (January 20, 2023).

What can we do to personally reach out to those who may have stopped attending Mass and possibly stopped practicing their faith?

Ask the Holy Spirit to come upon your heart to do a “JIG” in preparation for taking a “LEAP” of faith. 

What can you do to personally reach out to those who have stopped going to Mass?

The JIG:

Joy-filled life we live in God. Find and share the joy you have in living your Catholic faith and having a personal relationship with Jesus.

Invest in relationships with those you want to bring back to the faith and to Mass. This investment includes prayer and doing activities that strengthen your relationship with the ones you love. 

Get curious why your family, friends, and neighbors have stopped coming to Mass. Gently, and with love, ask questions without emotions getting away from you.

Now, take the “LEAP” of Faith:

Listen to where they may be with their faith journey. Pray to God that He will give you the ears to hear and the heart to listen.

Extend your love; be the light of Christ extending God’s mercy working in and through you. Let your family, friends, and neighbors know that God loves them and they are missed at Mass.

Attend to their misgivings, excuses and doubts about their faith. Find the answers to their misgivings, the guidance to their excuses, and the truths to their doubts.

Pray to have courage and love for your family, friends, and neighbors to invite them back to the Church. Personally extend the invitation to attend Mass with you.

Do not be afraid; God is with you. May God Bless you in your discipleship.

Registration form for the January Come and See

There will be a "Come and See" of the Mission of the Seventy-Two at the Parish on Saturday, January 25 in the Faith and Family Center from 10 am to Noon. (Free). "Come and See how you can personally reach out to your family, friends and neighbors and fellow parishioners who are away from the Church and have stopped attending Mass."

If you would like to learn more about The Mission of the Seventy-Two or to receive information about becoming a disciple, simply complete the information below: