Special Announcement Sunday 5pm Mass Suspended More info here

Liturgical Ministry

Explore opportunities for service in the liturgy

Liturgical Ministries and Descriptions

Ministry in the Liturgy is a sacred privilege in which we offer back to God what has been give us; in service to Him and in service to others.


Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public or visible role of service within the Mass, parishioner contribution helps our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. All members of our parish community are encouraged to prayerfully consider joining one or more of these ministries, planning to serve at least one Mass per month

Choirs of Sacred Music

Choir music adds solemnity and dignity to the celebration of the Triduum and other celebrations such as Solemn Vespers on various feasts of the liturgical calendar. Any member of the parish who has the desire and the talent to sing is encouraged to join.


This ensemble supports the Saturday 4:00pm Mass. 8th grade students through adults enhance this liturgy with their vocals and instruments. Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the Faith and Family Center Choir Room.


The Liturgical Choir at the 9:00am Sunday liturgy welcomes 8th grade students through adults. The musical repertoire spans the historical tradition of the Church as well as modern settings of motets and anthems. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Faith and Family Center Choir Room.

SUNDAY 11:00 AM Praise & Worship with The Neumann Project

The Liturgical Choir at the 9:00am Sunday liturgy welcomes 8th grade students through adults. The musical repertoire spans the historical tradition of the Church as well as modern settings of motets and anthems. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Faith and Family Center Choir Room.


Singers of all levels serve as musical support during funerals and are often called upon during weekdays. There is no need to be active in another choir group to join the Resurrection Choir.


AV support is needed at all events. The tech team runs our stream cameras and sound, advances lyrics or adjusts the volume and balance in the church. Volunteers of all ages will get training and can run things from the loft or in the pews during Mass.

If interested in participating and serving in any aspect of the Choirs of Sacred Music, you may complete the registration form below, email Rich Krehnovi, Director of Sacred Music, at rkrehnovi@stjohnsunbury.org, or call the Parish Office at 740-965-1358 ext. 106.

Altar Server

Adds to the solemnity that already surrounds the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Typically under the direction of a Master of Ceremonies (a specially trained older male who may be discerning the priesthood), altar servers assist the Priest in important ways in his role as head of the worshipping church. Participants must be in at least 4th Grade and have received the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.


Encompasses a wide scope of behind-the-scenes ministry serving God and our parish community. While the enhancement of sacred spaces at Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter is obvious, there are also weekly and monthly tasks required such as restocking candles, washing and ironing Communion cloths, watering plants, set-up and take-down for Eucharistic Adoration, tidying the pews, and simply being a helper whenever and wherever assistance is needed. This is a great opportunity for individuals, friends, families, Life Groups, etc.    

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

These ministers assist ordained clergy with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Ministers must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.   

EMHC for the Homebound/Sick/Imprisoned

Through this very special ministry bringing Christ to others, you are offering a supernatural grace, strength, and peace to those you visit. A detailed document, proper training, and issuance of an identification badge with your photo and name, is to safeguard the Eucharist as the Church intends. Ministers must use a pyx and burse (pyx holder which hangs around a minister’s neck) when transporting the consecrated Host.


As the first person our parishioners and visitors encounter when they come to St. John Neumann, a Greeter acts as the first face of Jesus in His church. These ministers welcome visitors and parishioners as they enter the Church and are expected to be a friendly and helpful presence. Additional responsibilities include: seating people during Mass, passing offertory collection baskets, and distributing the bulletin as people leave Mass. Parishioners of all ages, including families with children, are encouraged to serve.  


Performs the very important function of proclaiming the Word of God at Holy Mass. Each and every Mass is about Jesus; therefore, Lectors should do their best to not bring attention to themselves by anything they wear or do, including and especially how they proclaim a reading. Eligible participants must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation


This ministry is being created in an effort to allow families with children to serve our parish community before and after Mass to tidy the church pews in a creative way. The goal is to have nothing extra on the pew shelves except the missal facing seam up, Children's Mass book, and offertory envelopes, and nothing on the pew or floor, etc. 


These ministers prepare the church building and sanctuary with the sacred vessels, wine, hosts and other liturgical items before and clean up the holy materials after daily and/or weekend Masses. Adult parishioners are often scheduled on a regular, rotating basis for daily Mass; scheduling for weekend Mass is done according to preferred Mass time. Families with children are welcome and encouraged to serve in this ministry.  

If interested in participating and serving in any of these ministries, you may complete the registration form below, email Lynne Stelmach, Liturgical Coordinator, at lstelmach@stjohnsunbury.org, or call the Parish Office at 740-965-1358 ext. 126.