Special Announcement Sunday 5pm Mass Suspended More info here


Explore the Marriage Preparation process at St. John Neumann

A wedding is just one day, but marriage is for a lifetime.

Congratulations on your engagement! We want to be of assistance to you to ensure that your wedding day will be a prayerful and joyful celebration.

But more than that, we want to help you to prepare for a lifetime of marriage! As the saying goes, "A wedding is just one day, but marriage is for a lifetime."

Upon receipt and review of the Wedding Request Form, we will contact you within three (3) business days with a link to schedule an initial wedding appointment with our director of Marriage and Family Life. During this appointment we will review paperwork needed and prepare you to enter into our marriage preparation process. We will also confirm your wedding date and time at this meeting.

The following guidelines will help you in your preparations.

Please download and become familiar with this material, so that there will be no misunderstandings as your wedding approaches.

Please read this information fully and carefully.

Save the Date

As soon as you have made the decision to marry, and at least six months or more prior to the anticipated wedding date, you should contact the Pastor in order to begin the various steps of the Marriage Preparation Program.


Do not make permanent date commitments with reception halls, caterers, etc. until you have met with the Pastor and have confirmed the date of marriage.

To celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage at St John Neumann, you must have a current or prior substantial connection to the parish. Current registered and active parishioners, children of current registered and active parishioners, or individuals who grew up in and received their childhood Sacraments at St. John Neumann are considered as having a substantial connection to the parish.

Apart from these categories, only those couples who plan to move into the parish after their marriage and are committed to becoming future active members as they begin their new family will be considered--on a case-by-case basis-- by the Pastor.

Contact Julie Bando to Set Up A Meeting Below