Sunday Mass Times Saturday 4pm ⎮ Sunday 9am • 11am

Women of St. John Neumann

Activities include Craft Bazaar, Funeral Luncheons, Sandwiches for the Homeless, Retreats, and more.

The Women’s Club is one of the founding organizations of our parish that began nearly 50 years ago. Today, it continues to be one of the most active groups with an updated name: Women of St. John Neumann. All women of the parish are welcome to join in the many social, service, and ministry activities and events.

The Women of St. John Neumann make hundreds of bologna sandwiches for the homeless, as well as, serve funeral meals and receptions. To join the Funeral Luncheon Team, contact Marge Gernert. This group also supports the Men’s Lenton Fish Frys by serving as cashiers and provides home-baked sweets at the Bake Sale table, Festival Sweet Shoppe, and many other parish events.

For over 40 years, the Women of SJN have organized the annual Holiday Craft Bazaar in which there are over 80 craft vendors and 150 pounds of homemade egg noodles and approximately 250 make-from-scratch pies are made and sold. The proceeds have supported many charitable organizations, including St Vincent DePaul, Good Samaritan Ministry and Big Walnut Friends Who Share.

Finally, women’s ministry activities are special opportunities for worship and fellowship. The Women of St John Neumann enjoy social activities, such as a delicious Christmas Dinner, prepared and served by the men of the parish. 

To get involved in one or more of the many activities and events with the Women of St. John Neumann, sign up on flocknote to receive more information.