Special Announcement Sunday 5pm Mass Suspended More info here

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest fraternity.

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family service organization with over 1.8 million members and within our St. John Neumann council we have over 190 members. The Knights have four core principles-charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by contributing over 5,000 hours of service per year. These services include food drives, hosting Red Cross blood drives, raising money for the Shane Center and Special Olympics, our famous sub sale and our annual church picnic…among others. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day. Membership is open to any practicing Catholic man who is 18 years or older.

The St. John Neumann Council #14457 meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Faith & Family Center.

Joining the Knights of Columbus can be done online. Please visit https://www.kofc.org/joinus to become a member today. For questions about the membership process or our local council at St. John Neumann, please contact kofc14457membership@gmail.com.