Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm


Information and Forms for Baptism


We are so excited to officially welcome your child into the the Body of Christ!

If you are interested in baptizing your child at St. John Neumann, please complete the following inquiry form. You will then be contacted to register for the preparation class.

Baptisms at St. John Neumann typically take place on the second Sunday of the month, following the 11:00 am Mass.

Baptisms of infants and young children are celebrated for families who are registered members. Both parents must attend a baptism preparation class if the baptism is for a first child. Classes are held every other month on Saturday mornings. When a child of teachable age is to be baptized, a process of preparation is provided for the child, according to his or her age and ability. Please contact Julie Bando, Baptism Coordinator, with questions about Baptism for infants and young children.

Adult baptism follows the ancient order of the catechumenate. This rite, also referred to as OCI, or Order of Christian Initiation, offers a person a period of months to inquire and receive information about the Christian life, while regularly attending community gatherings with others who are likewise interested in joining the Catholic Church. In this community environment, the inquirer is given opportunities to learn the doctrine and faith life of the Church, the meaning of and exercises in prayer, the moral and social positions of Catholics, and study scripture and the sacramental and historical life of the Roman Catholic tradition. Generally, the one who seeks baptism is brought into full membership in the Church at the Easter Vigil, with the local community gathered in prayer and praise. Contact:  Paul Stokell, Adult Faith Formation Director and Christian Initiation.


In your unique role as Catholic parents, the Church's intention is for you to have assistance in bringing your child up in the Faith. To this end, Godparents have been a part of the Sacrament of Baptism since the earliest times of the Church. 

While it is an honor to be a child's godparent, the primary motivation in choosing who should be your child's godparents should not be to simply honor a close friend or relative. For a godparents' role is to be a witness and guide to the truths and graces of Christ's Church.

For this reason, a godparent must be an active practicing Catholic. At the minimum, a godparent should be:

  • A fully initiated Catholic (has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist).
  • Registered at a Catholic parish.
  • If married, married in the Catholic Church.
  • Someone who strives to live a moral Catholic life.

Were you asked to be a godparent at another parish?

Scroll past the Baptism Inquiry Form for more information.

Baptism Inquiry Form

Were you asked to be a godparent at another parish?

If you are a registered parishioner at St. John Neumann, but wish to be a godparent for a baptism taking place at another parish, please fill out the form bellow and send it to the parish office.



St. John Neumann Catholic Church

9633 East State Route 37

Sunbury, OH 43074

We will then send it to the parish where the baptism will take place.