Special Announcement Sunday 5pm Mass Suspended More info here


To be strengthened in the Christian faith

It is not always easy to be a witness to our faith. We need special help from God just as Jesus’ disciples did. As the disciples were blessed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we receive the sign or the seal of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. When we were baptized we began our initiation into the Church. Through Confirmation, we continue with one more step into the Body of Christ. We are called to give public witness to the good news to the Catholic community. We are then sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthened to live our baptismal promises. Because, like Baptism, Confirmation imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual mark, like Baptism it can never be repeated.

Teens are generally confirmed in our diocese in 8th grade. For more information, contact Kate Giddens.

Adults who are baptized Catholic and have made their First Communion, but are not Confirmed, may be eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For more information, contact Paul Stokell.