Sunday Mass Times Saturday 4pm ⎮ Sunday 9am • 11am

Middle School Youth Ministry

Youth ministry for Grades 5 & 6

Middle school Youth Group is where each teen embarks on their faith journey, discovering the true Source, Jesus. Our program is designed to help each teen learn about who Jesus is. The Source is open to students from 5-6 grade. Please fill out the Permission and Registration Forms below and submit the completed copies to Julie Bando by mail or email.


Our Middle School program will meet from 3:30 pm-4:45 pm, snacks included. In addition to our Sunday meetings, we encourage our middle school students and families to join in our Community Nights on the first Tuesday of each month. Community Nights are a time to worship together at Mass, grow in discipleship, and learn about our Catholic faith.

The cost per family is $225, regardless of the number of children or family members participating, or the age group/program (Family of Faith, Middle School Ministry, Confirmation Program, or High School Youth Ministry). Payments can be made online by clicking the button below and choosing Family of Faith.

Contact Steph Smith, Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator, with any questions.


Contact Sarah Gantz for more information on preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.